Monday, October 29, 2007

Now I remember

why I hate 'normal' working hours.

hint: that's when all the nasty people call

We didn't get to do any of what the new team is supposed to do today because our trainer called in sick.


The best part of the new department is that I have top seniority.

I may have mentioned that previously.

But the really great thing is what my manager told me today. Regardless of who comes after the first group, I will always have top seniority, because after this they'll all bid with time in department, not time with the company.


Gina said...

Nasty people.. why can't they just stay off the phone? And out of the office?

Nancy said...

I got tagged to play this game on NaBloPoMo called Seven Random or Weird Facts About Me and I am now, according to the rules, tagging you to do the same if you like.

My post explains in full.
cheers, Nancy