Tuesday, August 31, 2004

When (insert higher power of your choice)'s plan goes wrong

I've learned that my first impression of a person is usually wrong.

If I like a person right off the bat, I'm wrong, they usually turn out to be very unlikeable.

Conversely, if I can't stand a person, they usually become a close friend.

This doesn't ALWAYS hold true, but 90% of the time...

So, there's this person at work. I'm pretty sure he's not running an all cylinders.

He has this manic laughter that scares me.

And I think he's a klepto. He keeps coming up with little things out of his pocket, offering them to the rest of us, like it's a great discovery. And I keep finding the packaging, tucked behind other stock...

He disappears.

Work that he's supposed to be doing doesn't get done, so I have to do it.

And he disappears.

You can hear the manic laughter throughout the store after closing time.

No one knows what he's laughing about.

I think the powers that be realise they made a mistake, but there's not a thing they can do about it. Yet.

I'm keeping my eyes and ears open.

I would walk across the street to avoid him in public.

Hell, I'd walk across the STATE to avoid him. Maybe even the country.


If I did that, I'd end up back out west...

Which would be much better than in lower alabama.

With the manic laughter.

It scares me.

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