Thursday, August 26, 2004

Promises of sleep

I yawn,
I nod,
I tumble into bed.
The promise of sleep
So enticing.
Yet in sleep
are dreams.
They hunt you down.
They lie.
They make promises
that cannot be kept.
I sleep.
For dreams
are life
in another realm.
A reality
not so real?
Who is to say,
which is the dream
and which
is real?


z said...

Hey girl! I like your poem and the fact that you are bold enough to write one. I'm a gardener, too and like some other stuff that you said you liked. You have some poetry writing talent, keep writing. Best wishes.

Unknown said...

Thank you Sadie!

I like your name, I have a grandniece named Sadie :)

z said...

Well, Sadie is my greatgrandmother's name. I'm just using it for the blog. But I used to identify with the Beatles song Sexy Sadie... :) My blog is at